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Frequently Asked Question

FavYogis helps personal instructors manage classes, students, and payments

When you receive a payment it is immediately sent to your connected Stripe account. Currently, it takes Stripe 1-2 days to have funds delivered if you have a linked bank account.

For personal classes, the person who registers for your class is registered on an on-going basis for this class. If this is a paid class, the payment can be paused or resumed by the student at any time. Currently, teachers may also pause a subscription payment, but not resume. These are designed to serve personal private classes. Each personal private class will only accept 1 registered student.

For community classes, the person who registers for your class is only registered for the single next occurrence of the class (not the whole series). Multiple people can register.

TeacherPRO accounts keep all profits from payments, while Basic accounts are assessed an application fee. All accounts are subject to the standard Stripe bank merchant processing fee.

When you change the status of a recurring class it will show those updates on every instance of that class on your calendar. (Note: If you are using the Google Calendar sync feature, the primary/default calendar is targeted for syncronization).

All registered students receive notifications when you make relevant changes to a class.

All your students are notified whenever you add a new public community class. So if you plan to cancel a class for just 1 week, you would update the status of the class to active after the week is over (or whenever that class is active again).

Still have questions?

Send your questions to [email protected]