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Nurture your yoga community via Group Chat on FavYogis

Nurture your yoga community via Group Chat on FavYogis

Hey there, it's wonderful to write to you again. We hope that you're stretching...

Abraham Akpan August 16, 2022
Smart Yoga clothes: Trend it or end it.

Smart Yoga clothes: Trend it or end it.

Technology is amazing! The practice of Yoga with the aid of technology has so...

Abraham Akpan April 19, 2022
Announcing our new online community

Announcing our new online community

Dear community member,  It is with great excitement and sincere gratitude for you that...

Abraham Akpan March 29, 2022
5 signs that say “it's time to redesign your website”

5 signs that say “it's time to redesign your website”

We live in a competitive world. Your website is your business’s calling card, and...

Abraham Akpan March 28, 2022
The Yogi and the digital economy

The Yogi and the digital economy

The digital landscape is rapidly developing and there's more than enough room for brands...

Abraham Akpan March 16, 2022
The Pains, Stress and Headaches of running a Yoga Business

The Pains, Stress and Headaches of running a Yoga Business

You can listen here    Starting out any business venture often has its challenges...

Abraham Akpan February 11, 2022
Update:  Changes coming to FavYogis

Update: Changes coming to FavYogis

Virtual Class Support . UI Improvements . Limited Community Classes 1) On the basic...

Temitope Adeosun November 9, 2020
How To Setup a Yoga Training Business

How To Setup a Yoga Training Business

Now that you know what it takes to start teaching yoga, how exactly do...

Temitope Adeosun February 27, 2020
How to Start a Yoga Teaching Business [Full Beginners Guide] - Favyogis

How to Start a Yoga Teaching Business [Full Beginners Guide] - Favyogis

Are you wondering exactly how you can begin to teach yoga and turn it...

Temitope Adeosun January 22, 2020
Manage your private classes like a Pro with Favyogis

Manage your private classes like a Pro with Favyogis

Teaching can be a hard thing to do at times, especially when you’re teaching...

Temitope Adeosun December 9, 2019

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